(01) 452 7272 celinesflowersandgifts@gmail.com
Order Flowers Now
Guarantee of Satisfaction
Flowers are a seasonal and organic product. We will strive to meet your request but if the flowers are unavailable or deemed bad quality, will may substitute the flower type. In the event of supply difficulties, we reserve the right to substitute a product of equivalent value and quality without notice.
In the event that you are not satisfied with our service, complaints should be addressed to: Celine’s Flowers and Gifts 01 4527272. Because flowers are perishable and to assist us to fix complaints quickly, we advise that any complaint is made within 24hours of delivery to allow us to understand the issue and attempt to resolve it to our mutual satisfaction. If the flowers delivered are not what was ordered or damaged, we shall not have any liability unless you notify us within 24hours. We will not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss, damage or expenses howsoever arising out of any problem you notify to us under this condition and we shall have no liability to pay any money to you by way of compensation. We shall have no liability to you for any delay or failure to deliver products ordered that is caused by events or circumstances beyond our control, including breakdowns, accidents etc.
Order not Delivered or Delivered on Wrong Day
Note: Our normal delivery charge does not guarantee a time of delivery. The timed options are not available in all circumstances.
Non Delivery In the unlikely event that your order is not delivered as requested, and provided such failure is not as a consequence of failure on your part to provide accurate information to enable delivery you must advise us as soon as you become aware of this, but not later than 1 day after the originally specified delivery date.
To advise us of non-delivery, please contact us. You should quote your Order Number your Name and the email address that you used to place your order. We undertake to respond to your complaint in as short a time frame as possible, but not later than 3 working days.
Delivery Charges Where we are unable to complete a delivery, because of any inadequacy in the information provided for delivery purposes or where the recipient was unavailable to accept delivery, the delivery charge portion of an order may not be refunded. If this is the case you will be advised of this.
Where more than one attempt to complete delivery is necessary, because of any inadequacy in the information provided for delivery purposes or where the recipient was unavailable to accept delivery, the delivery charge portion of an order may be charged again, using the payment details provided with your original order. A notification of the charges will be sent by email to the email address provided as part of the order process.